We study a contact process running in a random environment in ℤd where sites flip, independently of each other, between blocking and nonblocking states, and the contact process is restricted to live in the space given by nonblocked sites. We give a partial description of the phase diagram of the process, showing in particular that, depending on the flip rates of the environment, survival of the contact process may or may not be possible for large values of the birth rate. We prove block conditions for the process that parallel the ones for the ordinary contact process and use these to conclude that the critical process dies out and that the complete convergence theorem holds in the supercritical case.
Daniel Remenik. "The contact process in a dynamic random environment." Ann. Appl. Probab. 18 (6) 2392 - 2420, December 2008. https://doi.org/10.1214/08-AAP528