Open Access
June 2015 Editorial : Special issue of Afrika Statistika on peer-reviewed selected papers from the Conference on Advanced Applied Statistics (CSAA 2014), Constantine, Algeria, 2014
Gane Samb LO, Fouad Lazhar Rahmani, Dahad Kehinde Shangodoyin
Afr. Stat. 10(1): 627-728 (June 2015).


The Conference on Advanced Applied Statistics (CSAA 2014), held in Constantine (Algeria), from November 30 to December 1, 2014, has been a good opportunity to gather the Algerian statistical community and invited guests from abroad in this renowned and antic city. The covered topics in the conference spanned over a wide range of topical issues in applied and theoretical statistics. Our journal was specially invited to cover the conference and to publish quality papers after a peer-review process.

La Conférence de Statistiques Appliquées Avancées (CSAA 2014), portant diverses domaines des statistiques tant appliquées que théoriques, et qui s'est tenue à Constantine du 30 Novembre au 1er Décembre 2014, a été une occasion importante pour regrouper des chercheurs d'Algérie et d'invités de marque venant de l'Etranger.


Download Citation

Gane Samb LO. Fouad Lazhar Rahmani. Dahad Kehinde Shangodoyin. "Editorial : Special issue of Afrika Statistika on peer-reviewed selected papers from the Conference on Advanced Applied Statistics (CSAA 2014), Constantine, Algeria, 2014." Afr. Stat. 10 (1) 627 - 728, June 2015.


Published: June 2015
First available in Project Euclid: 13 November 2015

zbMATH: 1326.00097
MathSciNet: MR3422844

Primary: 00B10 , 00B25

Keywords: Conference proceedings , Editorial , peer-reviewed processing , Selected papers

Rights: Copyright © 2015 The Statistics and Probability African Society

Vol.10 • No. 1 • June 2015
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