We provide evidence of the relation between supersymmetric gauge theories and matrix models beyond the planar limit. We compute gravitational $R^2$ couplings in gauge theories perturbatively, by summing genus one matrix model diagrams. These diagrams give the leading $1/N^2$ corrections in the large $N$ limit of the matrix model and can be related to twist field correlators in a collective conformal field theory. In the case of softly broken $SU(N)\ \cN=2$ super Yang-Mills theories, we find that these exact solutions of the matrix models agree with results obtained by topological field theory methods.
Robbert Dijkgraaf. Annamaria Sinkovics. Mine Tem. "Matrix Models and Gravitational Corrections." Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 7 (6) 1155 - 1174, December, 2003.