Open Access
June 2000 Spaces of upper semi-continuous multi-valued functions on separable metric spaces
Katsuro Sakai, Shigenori Uehara
Tsukuba J. Math. 24(1): 69-80 (June 2000). DOI: 10.21099/tkbjm/1496164046


Let $X=(X, d)$ be a metric space. By USCC(X, I), we denote the space of upper semi-continuous multi-valued functions $\varphi:X\rightarrow I=[0,1]$ such that each $\varphi(x)$ is a closed interval. Each $\varphi\in USCC(X, I)$ can be identified with its graph, which is a closed subset of $X\times I$. The space USCC(X, I) admits the Hausdorff metric induced by the product metric on $X\times I$. In this paper, by proving the converse of Fedorchuk’s result, we show that USCC(X, I) is homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube $Q=[-1,1]^{\omega}$ if and only if $X$ is infinite, locally connected and compact. In case $X$ is a dense subset of a locally connected metric space $Y$ such that $Y\backslash X$ is locally nonseparating in $Y$, USCC $(X, I)$ can be regarded as a subspace of USCC $(Y, I)$. It is also proved that the pair (USCC $(Y, I)$ , USCC $(X, I))$ is homeomorphic to $(Q, s)$ if and only if $X\neq Y,$ $X$ is $G_{\delta}$ in $Y$, and $Y$ is compact, where $s=(-1,1)^{\omega}\subset Q$.


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Katsuro Sakai. Shigenori Uehara. "Spaces of upper semi-continuous multi-valued functions on separable metric spaces." Tsukuba J. Math. 24 (1) 69 - 80, June 2000.


Published: June 2000
First available in Project Euclid: 30 May 2017

zbMATH: 1001.57041
MathSciNet: MR1791331
Digital Object Identifier: 10.21099/tkbjm/1496164046

Rights: Copyright © 2000 University of Tsukuba, Institute of Mathematics

Vol.24 • No. 1 • June 2000
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