Open Access
1999/2000 Sums of Quasicontinuous Functions with Closed Graphs
Ján Borsík, Jozef Doboš, Miroslav Repický
Real Anal. Exchange 25(2): 679-690 (1999/2000).


We prove that every real-valued $\mathcal{B}^*_1$ function $f$ defined on a~separable metric space $X$ is the sum of three quasicontinuous functions with closed graphs, and there is a $\mathcal{B}^*_1$ function which is not the sum of two quasicontinuous functions with closed graphs. Consequently, if $X$ is a separable metric space which is a Baire space in the strong sense, then the next three properties are equivalent: (1)$f$ is a $\mathcal{B}^*_1$ function, (2) $f$ is the sum of (at least) three quasicontinuous functions with closed graphs, and (3) $f$ is a piecewise continuous function.


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Ján Borsík. Jozef Doboš. Miroslav Repický. "Sums of Quasicontinuous Functions with Closed Graphs." Real Anal. Exchange 25 (2) 679 - 690, 1999/2000.


Published: 1999/2000
First available in Project Euclid: 3 January 2009

zbMATH: 1021.54015
MathSciNet: MR1778521

Primary: 54C08
Secondary: ‎54C30

Keywords: function of the class~$\baire$ , function with closed graph , piecewise continuous function , quasicontinuous function

Rights: Copyright © 1999 Michigan State University Press

Vol.25 • No. 2 • 1999/2000
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