Open Access
2017 Necessary Fredholm conditions for weighted singular integral operators with shifts and slowly oscillating data
Alexei Yu. Karlovich, Yuri I. Karlovich, Amarino B. Lebre
J. Integral Equations Applications 29(3): 365-399 (2017). DOI: 10.1216/JIE-2017-29-3-365


We extend the main result of {KKL11b} to the case of more general weighted singular integral operators with two shifts of the form \[ (aI-b U_\alpha )P_\gamma ^++(cI-dU_\beta )P_\gamma ^-, \] acting on the space $L^p(\mathbb{R} _+)$, $1\lt p\lt \infty $, where \[ P_\gamma ^\pm =(I\pm S_\gamma )/2 \] are operators associated with the weighted Cauchy singular integral operator $S_\gamma $, given by \[ (S_\gamma f)(t)=\frac {1}{\pi i}{\int _{\mathbb{R} _+}} \bigg (\frac {t}{\tau }\bigg )^\gamma \frac {f(\tau )}{\tau -t}\,d\tau \] with $\gamma \in \mathbb{C} $ satisfying $0\lt 1/p+\Re \gamma \lt 1$, and $U_\alpha ,U_\beta $ are the isometric shift operators given by \[ U_\alpha f=(\alpha ')^{1/p}(f\circ \alpha ), \qquad U_\beta f=(\beta ')^{1/p}(f\circ \beta ), \] generated by diffeomorphisms $\alpha ,\beta $ of $\mathbb{R} _+$ onto itself having only two fixed points at the endpoints $0$ and $\infty $, under the assumptions that the coefficients $a,b,c,d$ and the derivatives $\alpha ',\beta '$ of the shifts are bounded and continuous on $\mathbb{R} _+$ and admit discontinuities of slowly oscillating type at $0$ and $\infty $.


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Alexei Yu. Karlovich. Yuri I. Karlovich. Amarino B. Lebre. "Necessary Fredholm conditions for weighted singular integral operators with shifts and slowly oscillating data." J. Integral Equations Applications 29 (3) 365 - 399, 2017.


Published: 2017
First available in Project Euclid: 14 August 2017

zbMATH: 1376.45016
MathSciNet: MR3695359
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/JIE-2017-29-3-365

Primary: 45E05
Secondary: 47A53 , 47B35 , 47G10 , 47G30

Keywords: Fredholmness , Orientation-preserving shift , slowly oscillating function , weighted Cauchy singular integral operator

Rights: Copyright © 2017 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.29 • No. 3 • 2017
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