VOL. 12 · NO. 2 | SUMMER 2000
Front Matter
J. Integral Equations Applications 12 (2), (SUMMER 2000) Open Access
No abstract available
Sergei V. Pereverzev, Siegfried Prössdorf
J. Integral Equations Applications 12 (2), 113-130, (SUMMER 2000) DOI: 10.1216/jiea/1020282166 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Symm's integral equation, Ill-posed problem, fully discrete projection method, perturbations in the data, error analysis, self-regularization, 65R30, 65R20, 45L10
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S.V. Rogosin
J. Integral Equations Applications 12 (2), 131-156, (SUMMER 2000) DOI: 10.1216/jiea/1020282167 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Nonlinear boundary value problems, analytic functions, well-posedness, zero distribution, 30E25, 45G05, 35Q15
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Xiaoping Shen
J. Integral Equations Applications 12 (2), 157-176, (SUMMER 2000) DOI: 10.1216/jiea/1020282168 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Galerkin method, Meyer wavelet, raised-cosine wavelet, singular kernel, convolution equation, 42A10, 42A15, 41A05
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Thanh Tran
J. Integral Equations Applications 12 (2), 177-206, (SUMMER 2000) DOI: 10.1216/jiea/1020282169 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Galerkin boundary element method, h version, p version, additive Schwarz, overlapping, preconditioned conjugate gradient, 65N55, 65N38
No abstract available
Vu Kim Tuan
J. Integral Equations Applications 12 (2), 209-223, (SUMMER 2000) DOI: 10.1216/jiea/1020282170 Open Access
KEYWORDS: $\h_{\nu}$- and $Y_{\nu}$-transforms, range of integral transforms, 44
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