Open Access
Spring 2011 Equivariant principal bundles over the complex projective line
Indranil Biswas
Illinois J. Math. 55(1): 261-285 (Spring 2011). DOI: 10.1215/ijm/1355927036


Let $G$ be a connected complex reductive linear algebraic group, and let $K \subset G$ be a maximal compact subgroup of it. Let $E_G$ be a holomorphic principal $G$-bundles over the complex projective line ${\mathbb C}{\mathbb P}^1$ and $E_K \subset E_G$ a $C^\infty$ reduction of structure group of $E_G$ to $K$. We consider all pairs $(E_G ,E_K)$ of this type such that the total space of $E_K$ is equipped with a $C^\infty$ lift of the standard action of $\operatorname{SU}(2)$ on ${\mathbb C}{\mathbb P}^1$ which satisfies the following two conditions: the actions of $K$ and $\operatorname{SU}(2)$ on $E_K$ commute, and for each element $g \in \operatorname{SU}(2)$, the induced action of $g$ on $E_G$ is holomorphic. We give a classification of the isomorphism classes of all such objects.


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Indranil Biswas. "Equivariant principal bundles over the complex projective line." Illinois J. Math. 55 (1) 261 - 285, Spring 2011.


Published: Spring 2011
First available in Project Euclid: 19 December 2012

zbMATH: 1256.53022
MathSciNet: MR3006688
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/ijm/1355927036

Primary: 14F05 , 53B35

Rights: Copyright © 2011 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Vol.55 • No. 1 • Spring 2011
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