Open Access
Winter 2001 Every locally bounded space with trivial dual is the quotient of a rigid space
James W. Roberts
Illinois J. Math. 45(4): 1119-1144 (Winter 2001). DOI: 10.1215/ijm/1258138059


Letting $ T_p$ denote the class of separable $p$-Banach spaces (for $0<p<1$) with trivial dual, we show that $ T_p$ does not have any projective spaces, \ie, there is no space $X$ in $ T_p$ such that every space in $ T_p$ is a quotient of $X$. In lieu of a projective space we construct the $L_p(w)$ spaces, which are structurally similar to the space $L_p$. We then define a particularly well behaved type of $L_p(w)$ space, namely the uniform $L_p(w)$ spaces, and we show that every space in $ T_p$ is a quotient of some uniform $L_p(w)$ space. We then define a badly behaved type of $L_p(w)$ space, namely the unbalanced biuniform L$_p$(w) spaces. If $ L_p(w)$ is unbalanced biuniform and $C$ denotes the one dimensional subspace of constant functions, then $ L_p(w)/C$ is a rigid space. We then show that each space in $ T_p$ is a quotient of one of these rigid spaces. This last result is used in an essential way to prove the nonexistence of a projective space in $ T_p$.


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James W. Roberts. "Every locally bounded space with trivial dual is the quotient of a rigid space." Illinois J. Math. 45 (4) 1119 - 1144, Winter 2001.


Published: Winter 2001
First available in Project Euclid: 13 November 2009

zbMATH: 1012.46009
MathSciNet: MR1894889
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/ijm/1258138059

Primary: 46A16

Rights: Copyright © 2001 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Vol.45 • No. 4 • Winter 2001
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