Open Access
2012 Lagrangian spheres, symplectic surfaces and the symplectic mapping class group
Tian-Jun Li, Weiwei Wu
Geom. Topol. 16(2): 1121-1169 (2012). DOI: 10.2140/gt.2012.16.1121


Given a Lagrangian sphere in a symplectic 4–manifold (M,ω) with b+=1, we find embedded symplectic surfaces intersecting it minimally. When the Kodaira dimension κ of (M,ω) is , this minimal intersection property turns out to be very powerful for both the uniqueness and existence problems of Lagrangian spheres. On the uniqueness side, for a symplectic rational manifold and any class which is not characteristic, we show that homologous Lagrangian spheres are smoothly isotopic, and when the Euler number is less than 8, we generalize Hind and Evans’ Hamiltonian uniqueness in the monotone case. On the existence side, when κ=, we give a characterization of classes represented by Lagrangian spheres, which enables us to describe the non-Torelli part of the symplectic mapping class group.


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Tian-Jun Li. Weiwei Wu. "Lagrangian spheres, symplectic surfaces and the symplectic mapping class group." Geom. Topol. 16 (2) 1121 - 1169, 2012.


Received: 30 September 2011; Revised: 15 February 2012; Accepted: 3 March 2012; Published: 2012
First available in Project Euclid: 20 December 2017

zbMATH: 1253.53073
MathSciNet: MR2946805
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/gt.2012.16.1121

Primary: 53D05 , 53D12 , 53D42

Keywords: Lagrangian sphere , symplectomorphism group

Rights: Copyright © 2012 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.16 • No. 2 • 2012
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