Open Access
1995 Higher-genus Chen-Gackstatter surfaces and the Weierstrass representation for surfaces of infinite genus
Edward C. Thayer
Experiment. Math. 4(1): 19-39 (1995).


Chen and Gackstatter constructed two complete minimal surfaces of finite total curvature, each having one Enneper-type end and all the symmetries of Enneper's surface. Karcher generalized the genus-one surface by increasing the winding order of the end. We prove that a similar generalization of the Chen-Gackstatter genus-two surface also exists. We describe a collection of immersed minimal surfaces that generalize both Chen-Gackstatter's and Karcher's surfaces by increasing the genus and the winding order of the end. The period problem associated with each of these surfaces is explained geometrically, and we present numerical evidence of its solvability for surfaces of genus as high as 35. We also make conjectures concerning these surfaces, and explain their motivation. Our numerical results led us to the Weierstrass data for several infinite-genus, one-ended, periodic minimal surfaces.


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Edward C. Thayer. "Higher-genus Chen-Gackstatter surfaces and the Weierstrass representation for surfaces of infinite genus." Experiment. Math. 4 (1) 19 - 39, 1995.


Published: 1995
First available in Project Euclid: 3 September 2003

zbMATH: 0855.53006
MathSciNet: MR1359415

Primary: 53A10

Rights: Copyright © 1995 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.4 • No. 1 • 1995
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