Open Access
2017 Averaged vs. quenched large deviations and entropy for random walk in a dynamic random environment
Firas Rassoul-Agha, Timo Seppäläinen, Atilla Yilmaz
Electron. J. Probab. 22: 1-47 (2017). DOI: 10.1214/17-EJP74


We consider random walk with bounded jumps on a hypercubic lattice of arbitrary dimension in a dynamic random environment. The environment is temporally independent and spatially translation invariant. We study the rate functions of the level-3 averaged and quenched large deviation principles from the point of view of the particle. In the averaged case the rate function is a specific relative entropy, while in the quenched case it is a Donsker-Varadhan type relative entropy for Markov processes. We relate these entropies to each other and seek to identify the minimizers of the level-3 to level-1 contractions in both settings. Motivation for this work comes from variational descriptions of the quenched free energy of directed polymer models where the same Markov process entropy appears.


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Firas Rassoul-Agha. Timo Seppäläinen. Atilla Yilmaz. "Averaged vs. quenched large deviations and entropy for random walk in a dynamic random environment." Electron. J. Probab. 22 1 - 47, 2017.


Received: 24 July 2016; Accepted: 1 June 2017; Published: 2017
First available in Project Euclid: 6 July 2017

zbMATH: 1368.60028
MathSciNet: MR3672833
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/17-EJP74

Primary: 60F10 , 60K37 , 82C41 , 82C44

Keywords: averaged , Donsker-Varadhan relative entropy , Doob $h$-transform , Dynamic random environment , empirical process , large deviations , nonstationary process , quenched , Random walk , specific relative entropy

Vol.22 • 2017
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