VOL. 164 · NO. 13 | 1 October 2015
Duke Math. J. 164 (13), (1 October 2015) Open Access
No abstract available
Kiumars Kaveh
Duke Math. J. 164 (13), 2461-2506, (1 October 2015) DOI: 10.1215/00127094-3146389
KEYWORDS: string polytope, Gelfand–Cetlin polytope, crystal basis, string parameterization, flag variety, Bott–Samelson variety, spherical variety, Newton–Okounkov body, SAGBI basis, Toric Degeneration, 14M15, 05E10, 14M27
Mark Rudelson, Roman Vershynin
Duke Math. J. 164 (13), 2507-2538, (1 October 2015) DOI: 10.1215/00127094-3129809
KEYWORDS: delocalization of eigenvectors, random matrices, rotation-invariant ensembles, 60B20, 15B52
Natalia Iyudu, Stanislav Shkarin
Duke Math. J. 164 (13), 2539-2575, (1 October 2015) DOI: 10.1215/00127094-3146603
KEYWORDS: matrices over noncommutative rings, Hadamard matrix product, noncommutative birational involutions, Cremona transformation, Free field, noncommutative identities, birational dynamics, 16S38, 16S50, 16S85
Gabor Lippner, Dan Mangoubi
Duke Math. J. 164 (13), 2577-2595, (1 October 2015) DOI: 10.1215/00127094-3164790
KEYWORDS: Harmonic functions, absolutely monotonic, three circles theorems, 31B05, 35J05, 60J10, 65N22
Fabrizio Andreatta, Adrian Iovita, Minhyong Kim
Duke Math. J. 164 (13), 2597-2642, (1 October 2015) DOI: 10.1215/00127094-3146817
KEYWORDS: unipotent fundamental group, p-adic Hodge theory, 11G20, 14F30, 14G22, 14G32
Duke Math. J. 164 (13), (1 October 2015) Open Access
No abstract available
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