Open Access
December 2005 Harmonicity and minimality of vector fields and distributions on locally conformal Kähler and hyperkähler manifolds
Liviu Ornea, Lieven Vanhecke
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 12(4): 543-555 (December 2005). DOI: 10.36045/bbms/1133793342


We show that on any locally conformal Kähler (l.c.K.) manifold $(M,J,g)$ with parallel Lee form the unit anti-Lee vector field is harmonic and minimal and determines a harmonic map into the unit tangent bundle. Moreover, the canonical distribution locally generated by the Lee and anti-Lee vector fields is also harmonic and minimal when seen as a map from $(M,g)$ with values in the Grassmannian $G^{or}_2(M)$ endowed with the Sasaki metric. As a particular case of l.c.K. manifolds, we look at locally conformal hyperkähler manifolds and show that, if the Lee form is parallel (that is always the case if the manifold is compact), the naturally associated three- and four-dimensional distributions are harmonic and minimal when regarded as maps with values in appropriate Grassmannians. As for l.c.K. manifolds without parallel Lee form, we consider the Tricerri metric on an Inoue surface and prove that the unit Lee and anti-Lee vector fields are harmonic and minimal and the canonical distribution is critical for the energy functional, but when seen as a map with values in $G^{or}_2(M)$ it is minimal, but not harmonic.


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Liviu Ornea. Lieven Vanhecke. "Harmonicity and minimality of vector fields and distributions on locally conformal Kähler and hyperkähler manifolds." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 12 (4) 543 - 555, December 2005.


Published: December 2005
First available in Project Euclid: 5 December 2005

zbMATH: 1144.53051
MathSciNet: MR2205998
Digital Object Identifier: 10.36045/bbms/1133793342

Primary: 53C20
Secondary: 53C55 , 58E15

Keywords: harmonic vector field and distribution , Lee and anti-Lee field , locally conformal Kähler manifold , minimal vector field and distribution, stability

Rights: Copyright © 2005 The Belgian Mathematical Society

Vol.12 • No. 4 • December 2005
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