Open Access
February 2018 Bayesian estimation of sparse signals with a continuous spike-and-slab prior
Veronika Ročková
Ann. Statist. 46(1): 401-437 (February 2018). DOI: 10.1214/17-AOS1554


We introduce a new framework for estimation of sparse normal means, bridging the gap between popular frequentist strategies (LASSO) and popular Bayesian strategies (spike-and-slab). The main thrust of this paper is to introduce the family of Spike-and-Slab LASSO (SS-LASSO) priors, which form a continuum between the Laplace prior and the point-mass spike-and-slab prior. We establish several appealing frequentist properties of SS-LASSO priors, contrasting them with these two limiting cases. First, we adopt the penalized likelihood perspective on Bayesian modal estimation and introduce the framework of Bayesian penalty mixing with spike-and-slab priors. We show that the SS-LASSO global posterior mode is (near) minimax rate-optimal under squared error loss, similarly as the LASSO. Going further, we introduce an adaptive two-step estimator which can achieve provably sharper performance than the LASSO. Second, we show that the whole posterior keeps pace with the global mode and concentrates at the (near) minimax rate, a property that is known \textsl{not to hold} for the single Laplace prior. The minimax-rate optimality is obtained with a suitable class of independent product priors (for known levels of sparsity) as well as with dependent mixing priors (adapting to the unknown levels of sparsity). Up to now, the rate-optimal posterior concentration has been established only for spike-and-slab priors with a point mass at zero. Thus, the SS-LASSO priors, despite being continuous, possess similar optimality properties as the “theoretically ideal” point-mass mixtures. These results provide valuable theoretical justification for our proposed class of priors, underpinning their intuitive appeal and practical potential.


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Veronika Ročková. "Bayesian estimation of sparse signals with a continuous spike-and-slab prior." Ann. Statist. 46 (1) 401 - 437, February 2018.


Received: 1 May 2015; Revised: 1 February 2017; Published: February 2018
First available in Project Euclid: 22 February 2018

zbMATH: 06865116
MathSciNet: MR3766957
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/17-AOS1554

Primary: 62J99
Secondary: 62F15

Keywords: asymptotic minimaxity , Lasso , posterior concentration , spike-and-slab

Rights: Copyright © 2018 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.46 • No. 1 • February 2018
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