Open Access
October, 1995 Smooth Densities for Degenerate Stochastic Delay Equations with Hereditary Drift
Denis R. Bell, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed
Ann. Probab. 23(4): 1875-1894 (October, 1995). DOI: 10.1214/aop/1176987807


We establish the existence of smooth densities for solutions of $\mathbf{R}^d$-valued stochastic hereditary differential systems of the form $dx(t) = H(t,x)dt + g(t,x(t - r))dW(t).$ In the above equation, $W$ is an $n$-dimensional Wiener process, $r$ is a positive time delay, $H$ is a nonanticipating functional defined on the space of paths in $\mathbf{R}^d$ and $g$ is an $n \times d$ matrix-valued function defined on $\lbrack 0,\infty) \times \mathbf{R}^d$, such that $gg^\ast$ has degeneracies of polynomial order on a hypersurface in $\mathbf{R}^d$. In the course of proving this result, we establish a very general criterion for the hypoellipticity of a class of degenerate parabolic second-order time-dependent differential operators with space-independent principal part.


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Denis R. Bell. Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed. "Smooth Densities for Degenerate Stochastic Delay Equations with Hereditary Drift." Ann. Probab. 23 (4) 1875 - 1894, October, 1995.


Published: October, 1995
First available in Project Euclid: 19 April 2007

zbMATH: 0852.60063
MathSciNet: MR1379172
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aop/1176987807

Primary: 60H07
Secondary: 34F05 , 34K50 , 60H10 , 60H20 , 60H30

Keywords: Hereditary delay systems , Malliavin calculus , smooth densities

Rights: Copyright © 1995 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.23 • No. 4 • October, 1995
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