Open Access
February 2015 The speed of a biased walk on a Galton–Watson tree without leaves is monotonic with respect to progeny distributions for high values of bias
Behzad Mehrdad, Sanchayan Sen, Lingjiong Zhu
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 51(1): 304-318 (February 2015). DOI: 10.1214/13-AIHP573


Consider biased random walks on two Galton–Watson trees without leaves having progeny distributions $P_{1}$ and $P_{2}$ ($\mathrm{GW}(P_{1})$ and $\mathrm{GW}(P_{2})$) where $P_{1}$ and $P_{2}$ are supported on positive integers and $P_{1}$ dominates $P_{2}$ stochastically. We prove that the speed of the walk on $\mathrm{GW}(P_{1})$ is bigger than the same on $\mathrm{GW}(P_{2})$ when the bias is larger than a threshold depending on $P_{1}$ and $P_{2}$. This partially answers a question raised by Ben Arous, Fribergh and Sidoravicius (Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 67 (2014) 519–530).

Nous considérons des marches aléatoires biaisées sur deux arbres de Galton–Watson sans feuilles $\mathrm{GW}(P_{1})$ et $\mathrm{GW}(P_{2})$ ayant des lois de reproduction respectivement $P_{1}$ et $P_{2}$, deux lois supportées par les entiers positifs telles que $P_{1}$ domine stochastiquement $P_{2}$. Nous prouvons que la vitesse de la marche sur $\mathrm{GW}(P_{1})$ est supérieure ou égale á celle sur $\mathrm{GW}(P_{2})$ si le biais est plus grand qu’un seuil dépendant de $P_{1}$ et $P_{2}$. Ceci répond partiellement á une question posée par Ben Arous, Fribergh et Sidoravicius (Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 67 (2014) 519–530).


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Behzad Mehrdad. Sanchayan Sen. Lingjiong Zhu. "The speed of a biased walk on a Galton–Watson tree without leaves is monotonic with respect to progeny distributions for high values of bias." Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 51 (1) 304 - 318, February 2015.


Published: February 2015
First available in Project Euclid: 14 January 2015

zbMATH: 1314.60160
MathSciNet: MR3300972
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/13-AIHP573

Primary: 60G50 , 60J80 , 60K37

Keywords: Galton–Watson tree , Random walk in random environment , Speed , stochastic domination

Rights: Copyright © 2015 Institut Henri Poincaré

Vol.51 • No. 1 • February 2015
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