Open Access
2014 Grading Prediction of Enterprise Financial Crisis Based on Nonlinear Programming Evaluation: A Case Study of Chinese Transportation Industry
Zhi-yuan Li
Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014: 1-7 (2014). DOI: 10.1155/2014/267234


As the core of the effective financial crisis prevention, enterprise finance crisis prediction has been the focal attention of both theorists and businessmen. Financial crisis predictions need to apply a variety of financial and operating indicators for its analysis. Therefore, a new evaluation model based on nonlinear programming is established, the nature of the model is proved, the detailed solution steps of the model are given, and the significance and algorithm of the model are thoroughly discussed in this study. The proposed model can deal with the case of missing data, and has the good isotonic property and profound theoretical background. In the empirical analysis to predict the financial crisis and through the comparison of the analysis of historical data and the real enterprises with financial crisis, we find that the results are in accordance with the real enterprise financial conditions and the proposed model has a good predictive ability.


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Zhi-yuan Li. "Grading Prediction of Enterprise Financial Crisis Based on Nonlinear Programming Evaluation: A Case Study of Chinese Transportation Industry." Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014 1 - 7, 2014.


Published: 2014
First available in Project Euclid: 2 October 2014

zbMATH: 07022052
MathSciNet: MR3178861
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1155/2014/267234

Rights: Copyright © 2014 Hindawi

Vol.2014 • 2014
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