Open Access
VOL. 3 | 2008 J. K. Ghosh’s contribution to statistics: A brief outline
Chapter Author(s) Bertrand Clarke, Subhashis Ghosal
Editor(s) Bertrand Clarke, Subhashis Ghosal
Inst. Math. Stat. (IMS) Collect., 2008: 1-18 (2008) DOI: 10.1214/074921708000000011


Professor Jayanta Kumar Ghosh has contributed massively to various areas of Statistics over the last five decades. Here, we survey some of his most important contributions. In roughly chronological order, we discuss his major results in the areas of sequential analysis, foundations, asymptotics, and Bayesian inference. It is seen that he progressed from thinking about data points, to thinking about data summarization, to the limiting cases of data summarization in as they relate to parameter estimation, and then to more general aspects of modeling including prior and model selection.


Published: 1 January 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 28 April 2008

MathSciNet: MR2459212

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/074921708000000011

Primary: 62
Secondary: 62

Keywords: Bartlett corrections , Bayesian nonparametrics , Edgeworth expansions , foundations of statistics , Model selection , noninformative prior , posterior convergence , second order efficiency , semiparametric inference , sequential analysis

Rights: Copyright © 2008, Institute of Mathematical Statistics

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