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Kurtz 978-0-940600-76-8 10.1214/074921708 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2008 11/5/2015 4 Ethier imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1233152925 Optimality: The Third Erich L. Lehmann Symposium 978-0-940600-77-5 10.1214/09-LNMS57 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2009 8/3/2009 57 Rojo lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1249305311 Borrowing Strength: Theory Powering Applications – A Festschrift for Lawrence D. Brown 978-0-940600-79-9 10.1214/10-IMSCOLL6 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2010 5/11/2017 6 Berger imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1288098997 Nonparametrics and Robustness in Modern Statistical Inference and Time Series Analysis: A Festschrift in honor of Professor Jana Jure?ková 978-0-940600-80-5 10.1214/10-IMSCOLL7 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2010 5/12/2017 7 Antoch imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1291044731 Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman 978-0-940600-81-2 10.1214/11-IMSCOLL8 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2012 11/5/2015 8 Fourdrinier imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1331731600 Advances in Modern Statistical Theory and Applications: A Festschrift in honor of Morris L. Eaton 978-0-940600-84-3 10.1214/12-IMSCOLL10 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2013 11/5/2015 10 Jones imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1379942038 From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes -- A Festschrift in Honor of Jon A. Wellner 978-0-940600-83-6 10.1214/12-IMSCOLL9 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2013 11/5/2015 9 Banerjee imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1362751167 Nonparametric Bayesian Inference 978-0-940600-82-9 Müller 10.1214/cbms/1362163742 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2013 3/1/2013 9 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1362163742 Group invariance in applications in statistics 0-94-0600-15-3 Easton 10.1214/cbms/1462061029 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1989 5/1/2016 1 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462061029 Empirical Processes: Theory and Applications 0-94-0600-16-1 Pollard 10.1214/cbms/1462061091 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1990 5/1/2016 2 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462061091 Stochastic curve estimation 0-94-0600-22-6 Rosenblatt 10.1214/cbms/1462061176 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1991 5/1/2016 3 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462061176 "Mixture Models: Theory, Geometry and Applications" 0-94-0600-32-3 Lindsay 10.1214/cbms/1462106013 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1995 5/1/2016 5 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462106013 Statistical Inference From Genetic Data on Pedigrees 0-94-0600-49-8 Thompson 10.1214/cbms/1462106037 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2000 5/1/2016 6 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462106037 Generalized Linear Mixed Models 0-94-0600-54-4 McCulloch 10.1214/cbms/1462106059 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2003 5/1/2016 7 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462106059 Analysis of Longitudinal and Cluster-Correlated Data 0-94-0600-60-9 Laird 10.1214/cbms/1462106075 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2004 5/1/2016 8 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462106075 Higher Order Asymptotics 0-94-0600-31-5 Ghosh 10.1214/cbms/1462297300 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1994 5/3/2016 4 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1462297300 Bayesian Inference and Computing for Spatial Point Patterns 978-0-940600-85-0 Gelfand 10.1214/cbms/1530065028 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2018 6/27/2018 10 cbms F Euclid Open Access cbms/1530065028 Beyond Parametrics in Interdisciplinary Research: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Pranab K. Sen 978-0-940600-73-7 10.1214/imsc/1207058254 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2008 11/5/2015 1 Balakrishnan imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1207058254 Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of David A. Freedman 978-0-940600-74-4 10.1214/imsc/1207580069 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2008 11/5/2015 2 Nolan imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1207580069 Pushing the Limits of Contemporary Statistics: Contributions in Honor of Jayanta K. Ghosh 978-0-940600-75-1 10.1214/imsc/1209398451 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2008 11/5/2015 3 Clarke imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1209398451 High Dimensional Probability V: The Luminy Volume 978-0-940600-78-2 10.1214/imsc/1265119251 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2009 11/5/2015 5 Houdré imsc F Euclid Open Access imsc/1265119251 Stein's Method: Expository Lectures and Applications 0-940600-62-5 10.1214/lnms/1196283792 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2004 11/28/2007 46 Diaconis lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196283792 "Optimality: The Second Erich L. Lehmann Symposium, May 19–22, 2004, Rice University" 0-940600-66-9 10.1214/lnms/1196283943 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2006 11/28/2007 49 Rojo lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196283943 Recent Developments in Nonparametric Inference and Probability: Festschrift for Michael Woodroofe 0-940600-66-9 10.1214/lnms/1196284044 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2006 11/28/2007 50 Sun lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196284044 High Dimensional Probability: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference 978-0-940600-67-6 10.1214/lnms/1196284095 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2006 11/28/2007 51 Giné lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196284095 Multivariate Statistics: A Vector Space Approach 978-0-940600-69-0 Eaton 10.1214/lnms/1196285102 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2007 11/28/2007 53 lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196285102 A Festschrift for Herman Rubin 0-940600-61-7 10.1214/lnms/1196285369 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2004 11/28/2007 45 DasGupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196285369 Recent Developments in Multiple Comparison Procedures 0-940600-63-3 10.1214/lnms/1196285619 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2004 11/28/2007 47 Benjamini lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196285619 Dynamics & Stochastics: Festschrift in honor of M. S. Keane 0-940600-64-1 10.1214/lnms/1196285797 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2006 11/28/2007 48 Denteneer lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196285797 Time Series and Related Topics: In Memory of Ching-Zong Wei 978-0-940600-68-3 10.1214/lnms/1196285955 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2006 11/28/2007 52 Ho lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196285955 "Complex Datasets and Inverse Problems: Tomography, Networks and Beyond" 978-0-940600-70-6 10.1214/lnms/1196794933 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2007 12/4/2007 54 Liu lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196794933 "Asymptotics: Particles, Processes and Inverse Problems: Festschrift for Piet Groeneboom" 978-0-940600-71-3 10.1214/lnms/1196797058 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2007 12/4/2007 55 Cator lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1196797058 "The First Erich L. Lehmann Symposium---Optimality: Papers from the symposium held in Guanajuato, May 23--25, 2002" 0-940600-59-5 10.1214/lnms/1215006758 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2004 7/2/2008 44 Rojo lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215006758 "Game theory, optimal stopping, probability and statistics: Papers in honor of Thomas S. Ferguson" 0-940600-48-X 10.1214/lnms/1215089731 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2000 7/3/2008 35 Bruss lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215089731 "State of the art in probability and statistics: Festschrift for Willem R. van Zwet, Papers from the symposium held at the University of Leiden, Leiden, March 23--26, 1999" 0-940600-50-1 10.1214/lnms/1215090053 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2001 7/3/2008 36 de Gunst lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215090053 "Selected Proceedings of the Symposium on Inference for Stochastic Processes: Held at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, May 10--12, 2000" 0-940600-51-X 10.1214/lnms/1215090677 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2001 7/3/2008 37 Basawa lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215090677 "R. R. Bahadur's lectures on the theory of estimation: Edited and with a preface by Stephen M. Stigler, Wing Hung Wong and Daming Xu" 0-940600-53-6 Bahadur 10.1214/lnms/1215091005 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2002 7/3/2008 39 Stigler lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215091005 Statistics and science: a Festschrift for Terry Speed 0-940600-56-0 10.1214/lnms/1215091126 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2003 7/3/2008 40 Goldstein lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215091126 "Probability, statistics and their applications: papers in honor of Rabi Bhattacharya" 0-940600-55-2 10.1214/lnms/1215091650 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2003 7/3/2008 41 Athreya lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215091650 Mathematical statistics and applications: Festschrift for Constance van Eeden 0-940600-57-9 10.1214/lnms/1215091920 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2003 7/3/2008 42 Moore lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215091920 Crossing boundaries: statistical essays in honor of Jack Hall 0-940600-58-7 10.1214/lnms/1215092381 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2003 7/3/2008 43 Kolassa lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215092381 "Adaptive designs: Papers from the Joint AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Conference held at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, July 1992" 0-940600-36-6 10.1214/lnms/1215451468 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1995 7/7/2008 25 Flournoy lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215451468 "Stochastic differential equations in infinite-dimensional spaces: An extended version of the lectures delivered by Gopinath Kallianpur as part of the 1993 Barrett Lectures at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN." 0-940600-38-2 Kallianpur 10.1214/lnms/1215451864 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1995 7/7/2008 26 lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215451864 Analysis of censored data 0-940600-39-0 10.1214/lnms/1215452207 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1995 7/7/2008 27 Koul lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215452207 Distributions with fixed marginals and related topics 0-940600-40-4 10.1214/lnms/1215452598 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1996 7/7/2008 28 Rüschendorf lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215452598 Bayesian robustness 0-940600-41-2 10.1214/lnms/1215453054 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1996 7/7/2008 29 Berger lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215453054 "Statistics, probability and game theory: Papers in honor of David Blackwell" 0-940600-42-0 10.1214/lnms/1215453556 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1996 7/7/2008 30 Ferguson lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215453556 "$L\sb 1$-statistical procedures and related topics: Papers from the 3rd International Conference on $L\sb 1$-Norm and Related Methods held in Neuchâtel, August 11--15, 1997" 0-940600-43-9 10.1214/lnms/1215454115 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1997 7/7/2008 31 Dodge lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215454115 "Selected Proceedings of the Symposium on Estimating Functions: Held at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, March 21--23, 1996" 0-940600-44-7 10.1214/lnms/1215455031 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1997 7/7/2008 32 Basawa lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215455031 "Statistics in molecular biology and genetics: Selected proceedings of the Joint AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Conference on Statistics in Molecular Biology held in Seattle, WA, June 22--26, 1997" 0-940600-47-1 10.1214/lnms/1215455541 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1999 7/7/2008 33 Seillier-Moiseiwitsch lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215455541 New developments and applications in experimental design 0-940600-46-3 10.1214/lnms/1215456177 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1998 11/5/2015 34 Flournoy lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215456177 Analytic statistical models 0-940600-20-X Skovgaard 10.1214/lnms/1215456842 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1990 7/7/2008 15 lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215456842 Topics in statistical dependence 0-940600-23-4 10.1214/lnms/1215457539 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1990 7/7/2008 16 Block lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215457539 Current issues in statistical inference: Essays in honor of D. Basu 0-940600-24-2 10.1214/lnms/1215458833 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1992 7/7/2008 17 Ghosh lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215458833 "Selected Proceedings of the Sheffield Symposium on Applied Probability: Held at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, August 16--19, 1989" 0-940600-25-0 10.1214/lnms/1215459277 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1991 7/7/2008 18 Basawa lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215459277 "Stochastic orders and decision under risk: Papers from the International Workshop held in Hamburg, May 16--20, 1989" 0-940600-26-9 10.1214/lnms/1215459838 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1991 7/7/2008 19 Mosler lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215459838 "Spatial statistics and imaging: Papers from the Research Conference on Image Analysis and Spatial Statistics held at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, Summer 1988" 0-940600-27-7 10.1214/lnms/1215460484 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1991 7/7/2008 20 Possolo lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215460484 Weighted empiricals and linear models 0-940600-28-5 Koul 10.1214/lnms/1215461502 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1992 7/7/2008 21 lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215461502 "Stochastic inequalities: Papers from the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held in Seattle, Washington, July 1991" 0-940600-29-3 10.1214/lnms/1215461930 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1992 7/7/2008 22 Shaked lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215461930 "Change-point problems: Papers from the AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference held at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, July 11--16, 1992" 0-940600-34-X 10.1214/lnms/1215463106 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1994 7/7/2008 23 Carlstein lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215463106 Multivariate analysis and its applications 0-940600-35-8 10.1214/lnms/1215463776 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1994 7/7/2008 24 Anderson lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215463776 Essays on the prediction process 0-940600-00-5 Knight 10.1214/lnms/1215464503 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1981 7/7/2008 1 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215464503 "Survival Analysis: Proceedings of the Special Topics Meeting sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, October 26-28, 1981, Columbus, Ohio" 0-940600-02-1 10.1214/lnms/1215464834 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1982 7/7/2008 2 Crowley lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215464834 Empirical processes 0-940600-03-X Gänssler 10.1214/lnms/1215465233 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1983 7/7/2008 3 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215465233 Zonal polynomials 0-940600-05-6 Takemura 10.1214/lnms/1215465457 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1984 7/7/2008 4 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215465457 "Inequalities in Statistics and Probability: Proceedings of the Symposium on Inequalities in Statistics and Probability, October 27-30, 1982, Lincoln, Nebraska" 0-940600-04-8 10.1214/lnms/1215465617 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1984 7/7/2008 5 Tong lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215465617 "The likelihood principle: a review, generalizations, and statistical implications" 0-940600-13-7 Berger 10.1214/lnms/1215466210 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1988 7/7/2008 6 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215466210 Approximate computation of expectations 0-940600-08-0 Stein 10.1214/lnms/1215466568 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1986 7/7/2008 7 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215466568 Fundamentals of statistical exponential families with applications in statistical decision theory 0-940600-10-2 Brown 10.1214/lnms/1215466757 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1986 7/7/2008 9 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215466757 Differential geometry in statistical inference 0-940600-12-9 Amari 10.1214/lnms/1215467056 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1987 7/7/2008 10 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215467056 Group representations in probability and statistics 0-940600-14-5 Diaconis 10.1214/lnms/1215467407 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1988 7/7/2008 11 Gupta lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215467407 "An introduction to continuity, extrema, and related topics for general Gaussian processes" 0-940600-17-X Adler 10.1214/lnms/1215467924 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1990 7/7/2008 12 lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215467924 Small sample asymptotics 0-940600-18-8 Field 10.1214/lnms/1215468235 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1990 7/7/2008 13 lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215468235 Adaptive statistical procedures and related topics 0-940600-09-9 10.1214/lnms/1215540282 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1986 7/8/2008 8 Van Ryzin lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215540282 Invariant measures on groups and their use in statistics 0-940600-19-6 Wijsman 10.1214/lnms/1215540653 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 1990 7/8/2008 14 lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215540653 Model selection 0-940600-52-8 10.1214/lnms/1215540957 fulltext Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monograph 2001 7/8/2008 38 Lahiri lnms F Euclid Open Access lnms/1215540957 A Collection of Papers in Mathematics and Related Sciences: A Festschrift in Honour of the Late Galaye Dia 978-2-9559183-0-2 10.16929/sbs/2018.100 fulltext Statistics and 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