publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type title_id_legacy Algebraic Varieties and Analytic Varieties 978-0-44486-612-7 978-4-86497-059-4 10.2969/aspm/00110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1983 4/24/2018 1 Iitaka aspm F aspm/1524598004 Galois Groups and their Representations 978-0-44486-835-0 978-4-86497-060-0 10.2969/aspm/00210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1983 4/24/2018 2 Ihara aspm F aspm/1524605663 Geometry of Geodesics and Related Topics 978-0-44487-545-7 978-4-86497-061-7 10.2969/aspm/00310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1984 5/3/2018 3 Shiohama aspm F aspm/1525309534 Group Representations and Systems of Differential Equations 0-444-87710-X 978-4-86497-062-4 10.2969/aspm/00410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1984 5/3/2018 4 Okamoto aspm F aspm/1525309607 Foliations 978-0-44487-939-4 978-4-86497-063-1 10.2969/aspm/00510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1985 5/3/2018 5 Tamura aspm F aspm/1525309680 Algebraic Groups and Related Topics 978-0-44487-711-6 978-4-86497-064-8 10.2969/aspm/00610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1985 5/3/2018 6 Hotta aspm F aspm/1525309852 Automorphic Forms and Number Theory 978-0-44487-940-0 978-4-86497-065-5 10.2969/aspm/00710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1985 5/3/2018 7 Satake aspm F aspm/1525309935 Complex Analytic Singularities 978-0-44470-200-5 978-4-86497-066-2 10.2969/aspm/00810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1987 5/31/2018 8 Suwa aspm F aspm/1525310057 Homotopy Theory and Related Topics 978-0-44470-201-2 978-4-86497-067-9 10.2969/aspm/00910000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1987 5/3/2018 9 Toda aspm F aspm/1525310142 Algebraic Geometry, Sendai, 1985 978-0-44470-313-2 978-4-86497-068-6 10.2969/aspm/01010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1987 5/3/2018 10 Oda aspm F aspm/1525310259 Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics 978-0-44470-314-9 978-4-86497-069-3 10.2969/aspm/01110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1987 5/30/2018 11 Nagata aspm F aspm/1527702052 Galois Representations and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry 978-0-44470-315-6 978-4-86497-070-9 10.2969/aspm/01210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1987 5/30/2018 12 Ihara aspm F aspm/1527702157 Investigations in Number Theory 978-4-87573-123-8 978-4-86497-071-6 10.2969/aspm/01310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1988 5/30/2018 13 Kubota aspm F aspm/1527702250 Representations of Lie Groups, Kyoto, Hiroshima, 1986 978-4-31410-010-6 978-4-86497-072-3 10.2969/aspm/01410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1988 5/31/2018 14 Okamoto aspm F aspm/1527733089 Automorphic Forms and Geometry of Arithmetic Varieties 978-4-31410-015-1 978-4-86497-073-0 10.2969/aspm/01510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1989 5/31/2018 15 Hashimoto aspm F aspm/1527733189 Conformal Field Theory and Solvable Lattice Models 978-4-87573-124-5 978-4-86497-074-7 10.2969/aspm/01610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1988 6/17/2018 16 Jimbo aspm F aspm/1529258074 Algebraic Number Theory – in honor of K. Iwasawa 978-4-31410-016-8 978-4-86497-075-4 10.2969/aspm/01710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1989 6/17/2018 17 Coates aspm F aspm/1529259056 Recent Topics in Differential and Analytic Geometry 978-4-31410-031-1 978-4-86497-076-1 10.2969/aspm/01810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1990 6/17/2018 18-I Ochiai aspm F aspm/1529259284 Kähler Metric and Moduli Spaces 978-4-31410-032-8 978-4-86497-077-8 10.2969/aspm/01820000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1990 6/22/2018 18-II Ochiai aspm F aspm/1529259540 Integrable Systems in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics 978-4-31410-021-2 978-4-86497-078-5 10.2969/aspm/01910000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1989 6/21/2018 19 Jimbo aspm F aspm/1529259744 Aspects of Low Dimensional Manifolds 978-4-31410-077-9 978-4-931469-70-9 10.2969/aspm/02010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1992 6/17/2018 20 Matsumoto aspm F aspm/1529259963 Zeta Functions in Geometry 978-4-31410-078-6 978-4-931469-71-6 10.2969/aspm/02110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1992 8/20/2018 21 Kurokawa aspm F aspm/1534359109 Progress in Differential Geometry 978-4-31410-105-9 978-4-931469-72-3 10.2969/aspm/02210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1993 8/15/2018 22 Shiohama aspm F aspm/1534359509 Spectral and Scattering Theory and Applications 978-4-31410-107-3 978-4-931469-73-0 10.2969/aspm/02310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1994 8/20/2018 23 Yajima aspm F aspm/1534359736 Progress in Algebraic Combinatorics 978-4-31410-119-6 978-4-931469-74-7 10.2969/aspm/02410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1996 8/15/2018 24 Bannai aspm F aspm/1534360724 CR-Geometry and Overdetermined Systems 978-4-31410-127-1 978-4-931469-75-4 10.2969/aspm/02510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1997 8/15/2018 25 Akahori aspm F aspm/1534361100 Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Representation Theory of Lie Groups, Okayama-Kyoto 978-4-31410-138-7 978-4-931469-76-1 10.2969/aspm/02610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2000 8/20/2018 26 Kobayashi aspm F aspm/1534788116 Arrangements – Tokyo 1998 978-4-31410-140-0 978-4-931469-77-8 10.2969/aspm/02710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2000 8/20/2018 27 Falk aspm F aspm/1534788958 Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory 978-4-31410-141-7 978-4-931469-78-5 10.2969/aspm/02810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2000 8/20/2018 28 Koike aspm F aspm/1534789248 Singularities – Sapporo 1998 978-4-31410-143-1 978-4-931469-79-2 10.2969/aspm/02910000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2000 8/21/2018 29 Brasselet aspm F aspm/1534789543 Class Field Theory – Its Centenary and Prospect 978-4-931469-11-2 978-4-931469-80-8 10.2969/aspm/03010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2001 9/13/2018 30 Miyake aspm F aspm/1536853262 Taniguchi Conference on Mathematics Nara '98 978-4-931469-13-6 978-4-931469-81-5 10.2969/aspm/03110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2001 12/29/2018 31 Maruyama aspm F aspm/1546124575 Groups and Combinatorics: In memory of Michio Suzuki 978-4-931469-15-0 978-4-931469-82-2 10.2969/aspm/03210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2001 12/29/2018 32 Bannai aspm F aspm/1546124693 Computational Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics 978-4-931469-17-4 978-4-931469-83-9 10.2969/aspm/03310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2002 12/31/2018 33 Hibi aspm F aspm/1546230146 Minimal Surfaces, Geometric Analysis and Symplectic Geometry 978-4-931469-18-1 978-4-931469-84-6 10.2969/aspm/03410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2002 12/31/2018 34 Fukaya aspm F aspm/1546230285 Higher Dimensional Birational Geometry 978-4-931469-19-8 978-4-931469-85-3 10.2969/aspm/03510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2002 12/31/2018 35 Mori aspm F aspm/1546230373 Algebraic Geometry 2000, Azumino 978-4-931469-20-4 978-4-931469-86-0 10.2969/aspm/03610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2002 1/27/2019 36 Usui aspm F aspm/1548550669 Lie Groups, Geometric Structures and Differential Equations — One Hundred Years after Sophus Lie 978-4-931469-21-1 978-4-931469-87-7 10.2969/aspm/03710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2002 1/1/2019 37 Morimoto aspm F aspm/1546368683 Operator Algebras and Applications 978-4-931469-23-5 978-4-931469-88-4 10.2969/aspm/03810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2004 1/1/2019 38 Kosaki aspm F aspm/1546368819 Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems 978-4-931469-24-2 978-4-931469-89-1 10.2969/aspm/03910000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2004 1/1/2019 39 Funaki aspm F aspm/1546369028 Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups 978-4-931469-25-9 978-4-931469-90-7 10.2969/aspm/04010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2004 1/3/2019 40 Shoji aspm F aspm/1546542374 Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics in Kyoto: In honour of Kiyosi Itô 978-4-931469-26-6 978-4-931469-91-4 10.2969/aspm/04110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2004 1/3/2019 41 Kunita aspm F aspm/1546542597 Complex Analysis in Several Variables — Memorial Conference of Kiyoshi Oka's Centennial Birthday, Kyoto/Nara 2001 978-4-931469-27-3 978-4-931469-92-1 10.2969/aspm/04210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2004 1/3/2019 42 Miyajima aspm F aspm/1546542826 Singularity Theory and Its Applications 978-4-931469-32-7 978-4-931469-93-8 10.2969/aspm/04310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2006 1/3/2019 43 Izumiya aspm F aspm/1546543225 Potential Theory in Matsue 978-4-931469-33-4 978-4-931469-94-5 10.2969/aspm/04410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2006 12/18/2018 44 Aikawa aspm F aspm/1544999670 Moduli Spaces and Arithmetic Geometry (Kyoto, 2004) 978-4-931469-38-9 978-4-931469-95-2 10.2969/aspm/04510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2006 1/3/2019 45 Mukai aspm F aspm/1546543569 Singularities in Geometry and Topology 2004 978-4-931469-39-6 978-4-931469-96-9 10.2969/aspm/04610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2007 12/18/2018 46 Brasselet aspm F aspm/1544999897 Asymptotic Analysis and Singularities—Hyperbolic and dispersive PDEs and fluid mechanics 978-4-931469-40-2 978-4-931469-97-6 10.2969/aspm/04710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2007 12/16/2018 47-1 Kozono aspm F aspm/1545000578 Asymptotic Analysis and Singularities—Elliptic and parabolic PDEs and related problems 978-4-931469-41-9 978-4-86497-015-0 10.2969/aspm/04720000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2007 12/16/2018 47-2 Kozono aspm F aspm/1545000882 Finsler Geometry, Sapporo 2005 — In Memory of Makoto Matsumoto 978-4-931469-42-6 978-4-931469-98-3 10.2969/aspm/04810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2007 12/16/2018 48 Sabau aspm F aspm/1545001096 Probability and Number Theory — Kanazawa 2005 978-4-931469-43-3 978-4-931469-99-0 10.2969/aspm/04910000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2007 1/27/2019 49 Akiyama aspm F aspm/1548550883 Algebraic Geometry in East Asia — Hanoi 2005 978-4-931469-45-7 978-4-86497-000-6 10.2969/aspm/05010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2008 12/16/2018 50 Konno aspm F aspm/1545001299 Surveys on Geometry and Integrable Systems 978-4-931469-46-4 978-4-86497-001-3 10.2969/aspm/05110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2008 12/16/2018 51 Guest aspm F aspm/1545001530 Groups of Diffeomorphisms: In honor of Shigeyuki Morita on the occasion of his 60th birthday 978-4-931469-48-8 978-4-86497-002-0 10.2969/aspm/05210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2008 11/28/2018 52 Penner aspm F aspm/1543447471 Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems 978-4-931469-49-5 978-4-86497-003-7 10.2969/aspm/05310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2009 11/28/2018 53 Elaydi aspm F aspm/1543447631 Algebraic Analysis and Around: In honor of Professor Masaki Kashiwara's 60th birthday 978-4-931469-51-8 978-4-86497-004-4 10.2969/aspm/05410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2009 11/30/2018 54 Miwa aspm F aspm/1543447749 Noncommutativity and Singularities: Proceedings of French–Japanese symposia held at IHÉS in 2006 978-4-931469-54-9 978-4-86497-005-1 10.2969/aspm/05510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2009 11/30/2018 55 Bourguignon aspm F aspm/1543447892 Singularities — Niigata–Toyama 2007 978-4-931469-55-6 978-4-86497-006-8 10.2969/aspm/05610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2009 11/28/2018 56 Brasselet aspm F aspm/1543448004 Probabilistic Approach to Geometry 978-4-931469-58-7 978-4-86497-007-5 10.2969/aspm/05710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2010 11/24/2018 57 Kotani aspm F aspm/1543086303 Algebraic and Arithmetic Structures of Moduli Spaces (Sapporo 2007) 978-4-86497-008-2 10.2969/aspm/05810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2010 11/24/2018 58 Nakamura aspm F aspm/1543086120 New Developments in Algebraic Geometry, Integrable Systems and Mirror Symmetry (RIMS, Kyoto, 2008) 978-4-86497-009-9 10.2969/aspm/05910000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2010 11/24/2018 59 Saito aspm F aspm/1543085913 Algebraic Geometry in East Asia — Seoul 2008 978-4-86497-010-5 10.2969/aspm/06010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2010 11/24/2018 60 Keum aspm F aspm/1543085631 Exploring New Structures and Natural Constructions in Mathematical Physics 978-4-86497-011-2 10.2969/aspm/06110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2011 11/24/2018 61 Hasegawa aspm F aspm/1543085336 Arrangements of Hyperplanes—Sapporo 2009 978-4-86497-012-9 10.2969/aspm/06210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2012 11/24/2018 62 Terao aspm F aspm/1543084997 Galois–Teichmüller Theory and Arithmetic Geometry 978-4-86497-013-6 10.2969/aspm/06310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2012 10/24/2018 63 Nakamura aspm F aspm/1540417808 Nonlinear Dynamics in Partial Differential Equations 978-4-86497-023-5 10.2969/aspm/06410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2015 10/30/2018 64 Ei aspm F aspm/1540934197 Algebraic Geometry in East Asia — Taipei 2011 978-4-86497-025-9 10.2969/aspm/06510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2015 10/19/2018 65 Chen aspm F aspm/1539916440 Singularities in Geometry and Topology 2011 978-4-86497-027-3 10.2969/aspm/06610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2015 10/19/2018 66 Blanlœil aspm F aspm/1539916272 Variational Methods for Evolving Objects 978-4-86497-029-7 10.2969/aspm/06710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2015 10/19/2018 67 Ambrosio aspm F aspm/1539916028 School on Real and Complex Singularities in São Carlos, 2012 978-4-86497-030-3 978-4-86497-031-0 10.2969/aspm/06810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2016 10/4/2018 68 Araújo dos Santos aspm F aspm/1538621975 Development of Moduli Theory — Kyoto 2013 978-4-86497-032-7 978-4-86497-033-4 10.2969/aspm/06910000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2016 10/4/2018 69 Fujino aspm F aspm/1538622422 Minimal Models and Extremal Rays (Kyoto, 2011) 978-4-86497-036-5 978-4-86497-037-2 10.2969/aspm/07010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2016 10/4/2018 70 Kollár aspm F aspm/1538622693 Schubert Calculus — Osaka 2012 978-4-86497-038-9 978-4-86497-039-6 10.2969/aspm/07110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2016 10/4/2018 71 Naruse aspm F aspm/1538622989 Geometry, Dynamics, and Foliations 2013: In honor of Steven Hurder and Takashi Tsuboi on the occasion of their 60th birthdays 978-4-86497-040-2 978-4-86497-041-9 10.2969/aspm/07210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2017 10/4/2018 72 Asuke aspm P aspm/1538671756 Hyperbolic Geometry and Geometric Group Theory 978-4-86497-042-6 978-4-86497-043-3 10.2969/aspm/07310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2017 10/4/2018 73 Fujiwara aspm P aspm/1538671933 Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry: In honour of Professor Yujiro Kawamata's sixtieth birthday 978-4-86497-046-4 978-4-86497-047-1 10.2969/aspm/07410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2017 10/23/2018 74 Oguiso aspm P aspm/1540319475 Algebraic Varieties and Automorphism Groups 978-4-86497-048-8 978-4-86497-049-5 10.2969/aspm/07510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2017 9/21/2018 75 Masuda aspm P aspm/1537498698 Representation Theory, Special Functions and Painlevé Equations — RIMS 2015 978-4-86497-050-1 978-4-86497-051-8 10.2969/aspm/07610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2018 9/21/2018 76 Konno aspm P aspm/1537499417 The 50th Anniversary of Gröbner Bases 978-4-86497-052-5 978-4-86497-053-2 10.2969/aspm/07710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2018 9/21/2018 77 Hibi aspm P aspm/1537499590 Singularities in Generic Geometry 978-4-86497-055-6 978-4-86497-056-3 10.2969/aspm/07810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2018 10/4/2018 78 Izumiya aspm P aspm/1538618965 Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics 978-4-86497-079-2 978-4-86497-080-8 10.2969/aspm/08010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2019 8/21/2019 80 Izumi aspm P aspm/1566404302 Asymptotic Analysis for Nonlinear Dispersive and Wave Equations 978-4-86497-081-5 978-4-86497-082-2 10.2969/aspm/08110000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2019 10/31/2019 81 Kato aspm P aspm/1572545233 Differential Geometry and Tanaka Theory — Differential System and Hypersurface Theory — 978-4-86497-083-9 978-4-86497-084-6 10.2969/aspm/08210000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2019 11/27/2019 82 Shoda aspm P aspm/1574872393 Primitive Forms and Related Subjects — Kavli IPMU 2014 978-4-86497-085-3 978-4-86497-086-0 10.2969/aspm/08310000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2019 12/26/2019 83 Hori aspm P aspm/1577379876 Various Aspects of Multiple Zeta Functions — in honor of Professor Kohji Matsumoto's 60th birthday 978-4-86497-088-4 978-4-86497-089-1 10.2969/aspm/08410000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2020 5/27/2020 84 Mishou aspm P aspm/1590597075 The Role of Metrics in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations 978-4-86497-091-4 10.2969/aspm/08510000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2020 12/29/2020 85 Giga aspm P aspm/160926 Development of Iwasawa Theory — the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth 978-4-86497-093-8 10.2969/aspm/08610000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2020 1/12/2021 86 Kurihara aspm P aspm/161049 Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Integrable Probability — Fukuoka 2019 9784864970952 10.2969/aspm/08710000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2021 1/20/2022 87 Inahama aspm P McKay Correspondence, Mutation and Related Topics 9784864970990 10.2969/aspm/08810000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2023 5/8/2023 88 Ito aspm P Quantum Many-Body Problems and Representation Theory 978-4-931469-01-3 Cherednik 10.2969/msjmemoirs/001010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1998 1/17/2014 1 msjm F msjm/1389985789 Theories of Types and Proofs 978-4-931469-02-0 10.2969/msjmemoirs/002010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1998 1/17/2014 2 Takahashi msjm F msjm/1389985695 Combinatorial Quantum Method in 3-dimensional Topology 978-4-931469-03-7 Ohtsuki 10.2969/msjmemoirs/003010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1999 1/24/2014 3 msjm F msjm/1390600531 Axioms for a Vertex Algebra and the Locality of Quantum Fields 978-4-931469-04-4 Matsuo 10.2969/msjmemoirs/004010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 1999 1/22/2014 4 msjm F msjm/1390426253 Three-dimensional Orbifolds and Cone-Manifolds 978-4-931469-05-1 Cooper 10.2969/msjmemoirs/005010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2000 1/17/2014 5 msjm F msjm/1389985812 Cauchy Problem for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems 978-4-931469-06-8 De-xing 10.2969/msjmemoirs/006010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2000 1/17/2014 6 msjm F msjm/1389985988 Semilinear Hyperbolic Equations 978-4-931469-07-5 Georgiev 10.2969/msjmemoirs/007020000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2005 11/18/2014 7 msjm F msjm/1416320829 Lecture Notes on Dunkl Operators for Real and Complex Reflection Groups 978-4-931469-08-2 Opdam 10.2969/msjmemoirs/008010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2000 1/17/2014 8 msjm F msjm/1389985754 Arrangements and Hypergeometric Integrals 978-4-931469-10-5 Orlik 10.2969/msjmemoirs/009020000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2007 1/22/2014 9 msjm F msjm/1390426233 Lectures on Complements on Log Surfaces 978-4-931469-12-9 Prokhorov 10.2969/msjmemoirs/010010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2001 1/15/2014 10 msjm F msjm/1389800286 Interaction of Combinatorics and Representation Theory 978-4-931469-14-3 Stembridge 10.2969/msjmemoirs/011010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2001 1/17/2014 11 msjm F msjm/1389985959 Period mappings and differential equations. From $\mathbb{C}$ to $\mathbb{C}_{p}$: T?hoku-Hokkaid? lectures in arithmetic geometry 978-4-931469-22-8 André 10.2969/msjmemoirs/012010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2003 1/17/2014 12 msjm F msjm/1389986016 F Euclid Open Access A Beginner's Guide to the Theory of Viscosity Solutions 978-4-931469-28-0 Koike 10.2969/msjmemoirs/013020000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2014 12/11/2014 13 msjm P msjm/1418313496 F Euclid Open Access Zariski-decomposition and Abundance 978-4-931469-31-0 Nakayama 10.2969/msjmemoirs/014010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2004 1/17/2014 14 msjm F msjm/1389986103 Del Pezzo and K3 Surfaces 978-4-931469-34-1 Alexeev 10.2969/msjmemoirs/015010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2006 12/11/2014 15 msjm F msjm/1418310898 A Course on Geometric Group Theory 978-4-931469-35-8 Bowditch 10.2969/msjmemoirs/016010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2006 11/24/2014 16 msjm F msjm/1416864640 Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems 978-4-931469-37-2 Berenstein 10.2969/msjmemoirs/017010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2007 11/24/2014 17 msjm F msjm/1416864656 On Congruence Monodromy Problems 978-4-931469-50-1 Ihara 10.2969/msjmemoirs/018010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2008 11/25/2014 18 msjm F msjm/1416927754 A Global View of Brownian Penalisations 978-4-931469-52-5 Najnudel 10.2969/msjmemoirs/019010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2009 11/25/2014 19 msjm F msjm/1416929510 scl 978-4-931469-53-2 Calegari 10.2969/msjmemoirs/020010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2009 11/24/2014 20 msjm F msjm/1416864672 Algebraic and Analytic Aspects of Zeta Functions and $L$-functions 978-4-931469-56-3 10.2969/msjmemoirs/021010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2010 12/11/2014 21 Bhowmik msjm F msjm/1418311405 Dispersive and Strichartz Estimates for Hyperbolic Equations 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with Small Initial Data 978-4-86497-054-9 Katayama 10.2969/msjmemoirs/036010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2017 11/27/2017 36 msjm P msjm/1511805567 4-dimensional Painlevé-type equations 978-4-86497-087-7 Hiroe 10.2969/msjmemoirs/037010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2018 12/12/2018 37 msjm P msjm/1544642043 Moduli spaces of real projective structures on surfaces 978-4-86497-096-9 Casella 10.2969/msjmemoirs/038010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2020 3/11/2020 38 msjm P msjm/1583965078 Traveling Front Solutions in Reaction-Diffusion Equations 9784864970976 Taniguchi 10.2969/msjmemoirs/039010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2021 6/7/2021 39 msjm P Collapsing K3 Surfaces, Tropical Geometry and Moduli Compactifications of Satake, Morgan-Shalen Type 9784864971041 Odaka 10.2969/msjmemoirs/040010000 fulltext Mathematical Society of Japan Monograph 2021 8/6/2021 40 msjm P Cluster Algebras and Scattering 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