Browse Project Euclid
Browse Project Euclid's growing database of titles, publishers, and subject categories.

Abstract and Applied Analysis
Abstract and Applied Analysis is devoted exclusively to the publication of high-quality research papers in the fields of abstract and applied analysis.

Advances in Differential Equations
Advances in Differential Equations will publish carefully selected, longer research papers on mathematical aspects of differential equations and on applications of the mathematical theory to issues arising in the sciences and in engineering.

Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics is a bimonthly publication of the International Press, publishing papers on all areas in which theoretical physics and mathematics interact with each other.

Communications in Information & Systems
Topics include information and coding theory; cryptology, decision, and estimation, control theory, mathematical system theory, etc.

Communications in Mathematical Physics
The mission of Communications in Mathematical Physics is to offer a high forum for works which are motivated by the vision and the challenges of modern physics and which at the same time meet the highest mathematical standards.

Differential and Integral Equations
Differential and Integral Equations publishes carefully selected research papers on mathematical aspects of differential and integral equations and on applications of the mathematical theory to issues arising in the sciences and in engineering.

International Journal of Differential Equations
International Journal of Differential Equations publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of differential equations.

Internet Mathematics
Internet Mathematics publishes research papers that address fundamental problems, both conceptual and algorithmic, that arise in dealing with large complex information networks such as the Internet.

Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The scope of the Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics covers applied mathematical analysis, computational techniques and industrial mathematics.

Journal of Applied Mathematics
Journal of Applied Mathematics is devoted to the publication of original research papers and review articles in all areas of applied, computational, and industrial mathematics.

Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics
The Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics is a fully-refereed, independent international journal.

Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
The Journal of Integral Equations and Applications is devoted to research in the general area of integral equations and their applications.

Methods and Applications of Analysis
Methods and Applications of Analysis (MAA) publishes papers in the broad area of pure and applied analysis.

Stochastic Systems
Stochastic Systems seeks to publish high-quality papers that substantively contribute to the modeling, analysis and control of stochastic systems.